Ellucian & Prophix

Team up to lead the higher education industry

Con la confianza de los equipos estratégicos de finanzas en

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Integrated budgeting, planning, and reporting for Ellucian colleague and banner

Minimize risk and improve your institution’s profitability by automating your critical financial processes with Prophix’s innovative Corporate Performance Management (CPM) software. Seamless integration with Ellucian Colleague and Banner, as well as your CRM, Payroll, and HR systems allow you to accelerate your financial processes and data collection, minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency.

Combining the power of Prophix and Ellucian will allow customers to:

  • Easily collaborate on budgets with a centralized solution
  • Analyze and plan by position, funding, and program
  • Forecast and analyze sources of funding and revenue
  • Create fully interactive dashboards for each user
  • Generate and automatically distribute reports
  • Analyze budget to actual data across positions, tuition variances, and course cost variables
  • Streamline the process of pulling data from multiple sources to forecast across departments or campuses
  • Analyze cash flow forecasts spanning courses, departments, and previous periods

By automating your budgeting, reporting, forecasting, and planning, you'll have more time to spend on analysis and be better equipped to make well-informed financial decisions.

Prophix has completed the HECVAT!

The Higher Education Cloud Vendor Assessment Tool helps higher education institutions ensure that cloud services are appropriately assessed for security and privacy needs, including some that are unique to higher education. 

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Prophix for Ellucian

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Higher Education Experience that Matters

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Higher Education FP&A leads to Institutional Resiliency

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Utah State University

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Hecho para directivos de finanzas

Descubre nuestra plataforma y desbloquea tu potencial de éxito.

Optimiza los procesos de presupuestación y planificación, y mejora la colaboración.

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Crea fácilmente previsiones precisas que te permitan tomar con mayor rapidez mejores decisiones de negocios basadas en datos.

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Equipa tu empresa con la capacidad de planificar y cambiar de dirección (pivot) en mercados dinámicos.

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Con la automatización, reduce las ventanas de presentación de informes de la administración y de la junta directiva.

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Las visualizaciones interactivas proporcionan contexto, miden el rendimiento, revelan información profunda y aceleran la toma de decisiones.

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